Active Learning
Provide space for active learning on a daily basis to engage students and teachers. Provide whiteboards and interactive screens to encourage students to get up out of their chairs and move. Provide spaces adjacent to core classrooms for students to move to other spaces to do a variety of learning activities.
The Student Engagement Index /Teacher Engagement Index ™ research shows that high student engagement is linked with a high degree of movement in both the classroom and the school overall.
Neuroscience research supports the findings, showing how movement keeps the student engaged, adds novelty, and feeds oxygen to the brain.
Environmental psychology research shows the importance of movement at multiple scales, from small movements such as “squiggling” in a chair to larger movements such as walking or standing.
The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
Extend the Core Classroom
Allow students to create, experiment and have experiences through means unavailable in the typical Core Classroom. Design these spaces to be agile, to be messy, and to allow a student to do almost anything.