Provide space for 2D and 3D display of student work both physical and digital. Display space for Visual Arts may be dedicated or integrated into other indoor and outdoor areas in the campus. Provide opportunities for students of all ages and abilities to display their work and to see the work of others. Accessible flexible performance spaces may be incorporated into spaces used for gatherings and after school programs to provide additional space for performance-based learning.
The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
Flexible Performing Arts Space
Does the space support a variety of configurations for performing arts activities?
Arts Display
Is there Visual Arts gallery space for 2D and 3D projects?

Learning on Display
Is the whole environment being used for learning so students inspire each other and the learning taking place is made explicit?
Learning on Display
Interweave spaces for displaying Visual Arts work by students and spaces for performance based learning such as small group presentations, rehearsing for drama or dance to make the learning explicit. Display of Visual Arts work can be indoors such as the Welcome Center or Media Resource Center. Murals and temporary art can be interwoven throughout the campus. Space for creating Visual Arts and space for Performing Arts can be outdoors.