Extended Classrooms
Provide a wide variety of learning spaces to be used multiple ways throughout the day to support the ability of teachers to facilitate multiple learning styles simultaneously. This acknowledges that students all have different preferred ways to learn and can be supported by the environment to become expert learners.
The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
Dispersed Resources
If resources such as Commons and spaces to house the Supported Learning Model are dispersed throughout the campus, provide physical access and visual connection from the Core Studios to encourage use.

Highly Adaptable
Design spaces to easily and quickly adapt for multiple teaching modalities—individual, team and collaboration; as well as multiple learning activities—presentation, self-directed work, small group work, project/build work, including lecture.

Classroom Connection
Connectivity between two Classrooms, both visual and physical, enhances flexibility and supports team teaching, collaboration and temporary studio expansion for project work. At OUSD, since there is a declining population, adjacent classrooms can be converted to learning studios that share a Commons space. For new construction, Commons can be planned.

Showcasing student work.
Extending the Classroom
Using informal open spaces to create additional spaces for learning environments.