Finger Building - Renovation Primer
The original classroom buildings on many of OUSD's elementary campuses are called "finger" buildings due to their long, thin shapes placed in rows. The primer for these existing buildings explains the steps involved for a transformation to small learning communities.
To prevent potential incidences of violence that could erupt from inside the campus, classrooms must have the ability to quickly draw curtains inside the classrooms combined with a campus safety plan for lock downs. It is counterintuitive, but by having a wide open line of sight staff can more easily supervise students outdoors and see if trouble is brewing sooner than later and prevent violence. See the section Safety and Security - Design Strategies to learn more about how OUSD keeps students and staff safe.
The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.

Carpet, paint, ceilings. Air, light and temperature. Safety and security.

Direct connection. Easy supervision. Power, water and WIFI.

Flexible furniture. Tools and technology. Shade.

Team teaching & Interdisciplinary projects