Multi-Purpose/Flex Labs
Project/build work, hands-on, and specialized learning cannot be limited to a single-use space. Critical thinking involves multiple stages of learning, including individual research, collaborative brain-storming, hands-on exploration, project creation, and reporting findings or presentation. Large multi-purpose Flex Labs (FL), Project Labs (PL) and Arts Labs (AL) are labs to be used to integrate these activities throughout the school day. These spaces support different types of interdisciplinary exploration by providing a flexible space for messy project creation, low-intensity science labs, experiential learning and/or curricula needing specific equipment or access to water and tools.
Compared with a more traditional approach which limits these activities to a small number of highly specialized spaces—characterized by fixed equipment, limited use and high costs, multi-purpose labs are designed to support a wide variety of project types and adapt easily as future demands change.

The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
When Multi-Purpose Labs are highly specialized, place them for easy access and shared use by the whole school.

Labs Tuned for Science
Limit overhead cabinets to ensure locations for exterior and interior windows. Lab tables with casters will be provided to support a variety of furniture layouts.

Outdoor Connectivity
Direct physical access and visible connectivity to an Outdoor Learning Space enhances use and supports project/build work. Consider operable partitions and/or overhead doors with extra wide openings to open the walls and let activities spread out, in addition to material and equipment delivery.

Embedding Multi-Purpose Labs within the Small Learning Communities adjacent to Learning Studios not only increases exposure to and use by all learners, also it helps them become a familiar environment in the learning cycle.

Labs Tuned for Projects
Consider exposing structure to allow for hanging display of work, and movement of large materials. Provide large movable work tables to support material layout space, teaming, and technology as necessary.