Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning spaces support authentic learning activities which include but are not limited to supporting students with special needs, exploration of senses, hands-on learning, gardening, fitness activities, science, drama and using the building as a learning tool. OUSD envisions using the outdoors for both activities that normally take place indoors as well as activities that relate to nature-based learning.
These outdoor areas need infrastructure for teachers to be able to promote engagement, exploration, and discovery. Infrastructure includes: shade, water, power, WiFi, hardscape for tables and chairs, demo tables for science, wireless audio equipment and wireless speaker systems.
The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
Provide gardens to support nature-based learning.
Physical Learning
Provide space for physical learning to take place outdoors and indoors.

Provide shade to make the outdoors thermally comfortable for learning.
Seating Variety
Provide a variety of outdoor seating options for social emotional learning and hands on learning.
Work Tables
Provide large work tables that can be used for wet messy projects and easy to clean.

Provide sources for power and water to support the use of technology and tools outdoors and to clean up messy projects.
Provide lighting for students with more time in after school programs to continue projects or to display them for evening events.
Provide WIFI to support the use of technology outdoors.

Provide outdoor spaces with wildlife to support nature based learning and provide mental wellness benefits to students and teachers.
Environmental Education
Provide signage to incorporate environmental education related to nature and the history of place.

Large Group Seating
Provide large group seating for students to engage in social emotional learning at lunch, gatherings and learning activities outdoors.

Playful Environments
Provide an environment that is playful aesthetically to send a message to children that this place was made for them and give them a sense of belonging.
Provide space for students to be active throughout the day, not just during P.E. classes or recess.