Project-Based Learning "Flex Labs"
Provide labs for project-based learning as Flex Labs where students can fabricate either physically or digitally. Provide technology and space for low-fi prototyping: less about final product, more to show thinking, test ideas, improve skills, and gain experiences. Elevated tables on casters support making, which can be highly active and rich in movement. Provide space, furniture, fixtures and equipment to engage students in movement-rich activities such as brainstorming with whiteboards or creating authentic pieces to display learning, so they shift between activities easily and quickly.
The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
Electronics Assembly
Are there tables for low-fi prototyping and tinkering?
Dry Work Environment
Is there a dry work environment separate from messier spaces that are wet or produce dust?
Is there space to test ideas to support a design-thinking process?

Power and Water
Are there sources for power and water to support the use of technology and tools outdoors and to clean up messy projects? Are the fixtures and outlets dispersed throughout the room to ensure no tripping hazards with cords?
Is there lighting to provide students with more time in after school programs to continue projects or to display them for evening events?
Is there WIFI to support the use of technology outdoors?

Easily accessible to all learners. For highly specialized Fab Labs, locate them for easy sharing by the whole school.

Outdoor Learning
Provide direct access to the exterior for fabrication and project activities requiring outdoor use, from large and messy projects to the simple need for spreading out during design and prototyping. Please see Outdoor Learning "Infrastructure" - for outdoor shade structure.