Research & Technology
OUSD exposes students to different types of learning that introduce them to technology as part of a learning continuum from elementary to middle to high school, growing their ability to use technology for self-directed and collaborative research; critical thinking, decision making, communication and collaboration, creativity and innovation.
The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
Digital Teaming
Is there furniture and technology to support both self-directed and collaborative research?
Fluid Technology
Are there computer labs, group work stations, technology carts, or 1-on-1 tools?

Dispersed Media Resources
Media Resources activities should extend beyond a centralized location. Consider dispersing elements of Media Resources to function as technology intensive satellites, supporting individual and small group research. Share them between two or more small learning communities.