Spatial Flexibility
Large group presentations and events will occur both outside of school hours and during the school day. Spaces such as bleacher stairs serve as both social and dining space as well as audience seating. Stages that open to both indoors and outdoors can be used for lunch time events such as music concerts.
The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
Are there enhanced acoustics to support learning and socializing?
Large Assembly
Are there window shading devices? Is technology equipment available for multi-media presentations?
Color Cumulation
Are there accent walls, ceilings, or flooring color changes?
Are there enhanced acoustics to support learning and socializing?
Thermal Comfort
Are openings shaded and/or protected?
Views of Nature
Does the space connect to the natural environment with vistas?