Teacher Support
OUSD's LCAP 2021-2022 Goal 1 includes action item 15 for Professional Learning. The successful implementation of this goal demands ongoing planning, continuous improvement, and sustaining and expanding efforts. Providing space for teachers to work as professionals collaborating supports these efforts.
Dispersed Teacher Collaboration Workspaces give teachers a professional workspace and place of respite to connect with each other, plan, share information and resources, reflect on their teaching and on their students’ progress, research and plan best practices, and help each other help the students. These workspaces enhance teacher prep and teaming with areas for independent and small group work, as well as focus rooms for privacy. Depending on the configuration, it may also include dedicated spaces for socializing, dining, health and wellness. The benefits include expansive thinking, novelty and innovation, and a sense of enjoyment and self-expression. Benefits to the classroom include more space to use for active learning.

The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
Commons Connection
Provide a connection between classrooms and the commons to empower students to take ownership of their learning.
Shared Ownership
Provide a visual connection between classrooms and the commons to support natural surveillance
Visual Connection
Provide shared resource spaces that teachers can use to communicate more highly with each other to support learners.

Provide space for teachers and staff to connect with each other for mental wellness.
Provide a place of respite for teachers and staff to have lunch.
Innovative Casual Informal
Provide a space where teachers can exchange ideas to support innovation in education by being able to exchange ideas and information easily.

Planning and Teaming
Provide space for teachers to work as a team and plan together.
Flexible Workstations
Provide workstations for teachers and specialists to use that are not owned by them.
Focus Rooms
Provide focus rooms to provide a space for teachers to have speech privacy and to engage in "heads down" work with no interruptions.
Storage and Sink
Provide adequate storage for shared resources such as office supplies and equipment. Provide personal storage for teachers and staff as well as a sink and counter.