Therapy Environments
Provide enough space for all the service providers to provide services and use equipment not normally provided in Learning Centers, General Ed classrooms or Special Ed classrooms. These may include psychologists and counselors, speech therapists, occupational therapists (OT), physical therapists (PT), and/or Adaptive Physical Education (APE) specialists depending on the specific campus and grade level. Huddle Rooms for breakout sessions interwoven with General Ed classrooms including storage and hoteling stations for service providers is optimal.
At the time this Ed Spec was written, OT/PT had a dedicated space in their office at one site, but they travel to multiple sites. They only have mobile push carts with limited supplies for APE. In future modernizations, APE needs space at each site they travel to for frequently used items. The program needs larger remote storage for larger pieces of equipment that are checked out. The District will confirm the size of space needed which could be combined with P.E. storage.
Provide space for students to self-regulate, not to isolate or segregate the students. Affordances such as rocking chairs, small trampolines, fitness balls can serve as a place of choice for students to learn how to self-regulate.
The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
Are there settings that stimulate the senses?
Self Regulation
Are there cozy spaces that support students' need for reflection or quiet time away from the group?

Outdoor Adaptive P.E.
Are there spaces teachers can use to facilitate learning activities outdoors that meet students various sensory and self regulating needs?

Inclusive Environment
Are there seating options such as fitness balls, rocking chairs, bean bags that allow for movement?

Dispersed Classrooms
Placing special needs classes within the Small Learning Communities, and bringing resource specialists into General Ed classrooms, Huddle Rooms for breakout sessions and other shared resource break out areas, promotes the maximum possible interaction between students across the special needs continuum.

Outdoor Learning
Ensure natural daylight and access to Outdoor Learning spaces to support hands-on learning and give students agency to choose from a variety of settings.