Visitor Management
All campuses will feel welcoming while keeping the school safe by employing Raptor check-in systems, and badging (positive identification linked to police database for known offenders). Other systems to increase security to be considered: Secured Entry Vestibules with reception door release and intercom; classroom lockdown system for sheltering in place; and duress alarms (panic buttons).
The Ed Specs serve to illustrate concepts that will inform the master plans based on OUSD's aspirations to the audience of future architects who will implement them as well as for OUSD stakeholders to understand the reasoning behind modernizations.
Visitor Management
Is there a secure entry into the school through card reader access points at Raptor check-in stations at each reception area?

Secured Vestibule
Is there a controlled and transparent access at the main entrance through a security vestibule if appropriate for the given campus?

Admin, Welcome Center and Community Hub
The Welcome Center, Admin and Community Hub work together to sustain our parent, student and community partnerships.

Control Center
Does reception staff have the ability to control access to main building circulation?